Speak Those Magic Words!

Saying “I love you” for the first time can be one of the most scariest endeavors in a person’s life. It’s a vulnerable moment and you aren’t quite sure if the person you love feels the same way. While we don’t always get the same validation, we certainly want it! When to say I love you is often the other hurdle to overcome. Not everyone wants to have a cliche movie moment standing in the rain declaring love after a little argument. And yet, some people do want a very dramatic way of saying those three little words.

Avoid the Autopilot

Some of you out there may have already said it but now it feels like you are on autopilot. My sweetheart and I tell each other every morning and every evening we love each other. While it’s comforting, it can also easily lose it’s meaning without expressing it in other ways. It is important to express it in more than just words because our actions show more about how we truly feel for someone.

Remember, Not All Love Needs to Be Romantic

Let’s also acknowledge that not all love is romantic in nature. We have familial love for our children, parents, and extended family. We have platonic love for our friends and even close acquaintances. We may say “I love you” to a lot of people in the course of our lifetime, all of which enjoy hearing those words but can benefit from various forms of expression as well. I am going to provide a few ways to express love to different types of relationships. I challenge you to try them over the next 30 days and see how it affects your relationships and your every day life! Express love to your partner (or your friends and family!) There are so many ways to express love without sticking to the three magical words. What is your favorite way to express love? Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via stocksnap.io